What is it about these awards that makes me all giddy? Especially when it comes from a complete stranger (translated "potential new friend"!) from far away! Christa, whose blog is here (go look!) gave me this award and I'm so honored! Cough - of course, my high school French is completely rusty. So I wanted to see what it was she had said and my brain just would not let me translate. So I turned to the dreaded internet translators. Yea, according to the translator, altered art (I know whatever she said was close to that, maybe altered objects) translates from French into deteriorated objects, lol! Trying to translate the rules was even worse (links became bonds and reading through the translation sounded rather naughty, lol) so I hunted down someone who had received the award and had it in English, lol!
So, here are the rules that go along with the award:
1. You post the award logos on your blog.
2. You link back to the person who awarded them to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 people whose blogs you admire and add links back to their blogs.
4. Leave a message for the nominees on their blogs.
I decided that since I received the award internationally, that I would pass it on internationally as well and picked 7 of my bookmarked blogs that make me happy to see them show up on my feeds. :) Enjoy the inspirational world tour!
My seven international picks:
Nic "It's Been One of Those Days" - New Zealand - Nic is soooo talented! I promise you'll love everything she does!
Becks "Cake Cocoa and Gossip" - United Kingdom - Lots of product reviews (especially right now so close to CHA she has tons of sneak peeks) with an amazing sense of humor - most posts have something that will make me smile!
Rhi "Dandelion Wishes" - United Kingdom - Rhi is a charmer! I just want to hug her through the computer, I swear. Lots of fun with paint and her journaling will amaze you - lots of poetics and deep thoughts.
Irene "Scrapperlicious" - Malasia - What can I say - Irene's work is simply amazing! Like the layered super detailed style with lots of stamping and inking? Everything she does must be looked at again and again to find all the little details she has put into them.
Corinne "The Life of a Dutch Scrapper" - Netherlands - Another hugely talented gal who will knock your socks off!
Liza and Wati "Artz de Scrap" - Singapore - Altered arts - I love to browse! Their DT is from all over and they spotlight lots more - yummy!
Meriam "Little Memorie Kisses" - Netherlands - Amazing work and tons of amazing photography as well - a must see!
Tracey "Running With Scissors" - United Kingdom - Shhh, I don't always know if it's MEANT to be funny, but the cute UK'isms sprinkled in Tracey and Becks' blogs always make this American giggle! Tracey does all kinds of beautiful work - you'll love her cards, especially!
You know, I used to have a bunch of French blogs bookmarked that I lost back when my computer went kapoof. I miss them! At one point I even did a post on 2Peas wondering if there was something in the French water that made them so amazingly artistic! I'd love it if you passed on your favorite French (or other international!) scrappers' blogs to me so I can rebuild my collection...hint hint! :) I may only be able to read bits and pieces, but the eye candy is sooooo worth it!
5 days ago
...wow... is this like winning an oscar? Do I need jewels and a posh frock and to gush some acceptance speech... {give me a moment *sob* to compose *sob* myself}... shucks, thanks!
Becks xxxx
Heehee! Jenna, you're a little sweetie! Thanks for the award! Should I give a speech too?...lol! Hugs!!
Thankyou, your comment made me laugh, I guess I have no idea regarding how some words and phrases sound to my US friends lol, take care and thanks again XXX
Thanks for the award. made my day :o) have funa t CHA!
Thank you for the award! What a pleasant surprise to start my Monday with! Thank you!!
aw, why thankyou lovely.
poetic and deep.
i certainly am honoured!
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