First of all, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Next, I'd like thank everyone for playing! There were some really great ideas but I think you'll all be shocked when you see what I'm actually working on. I hope to have it up tomorrow or Saturday - think I'll finish tonight, but I'm hoping for some sunshine to get it photographed. Here's a hint though - while each of the guesses had to do with the puzzle as a whole, I actually have TEN projects that have come out of this! And it's been so much fun I'm off to Michael's again on Sunday to stock up on some more!
And on to the RAK winner! I have no idea where to get one of those cute little random number generators I've seen other blogs use so I went ultra sophisticated...I called up a friend and asked him to pick a number between 1 and 18! He thinks I'm crazy now, but we have a winner and it is comment #8! Which is A. L. Clark! While I was trying to find an email address I clicked over to her blog and I definitely want to spend some more time perusing it! I think we just might be sisters separated at birth - even our kitties have similar habits!
Go check out her blog! It is And A. L., what I did NOT find on your website was an email address! So please email me at with your mailing address and I'll get your package out to you immediately!
Well, I have several things I've got ready to post and might get to some of them this evening, but I'll start off with a scrap bin I altered over the past few days. I'm horrible about scraps. I keep my large pieces in nice, organized folders, but have all the little pieces pretty well strewn around my house, tucked here and there. So when I started putting together this cute little alterable wastebasket from Kaiser (have I mentioned before how much I love them?), it just hit me that here was my answer. It's a good size, yet because it's tapered, it leaves room at the top to do some rummaging when I am making cards and such. I used papers from the New England line from Zsiage. The striped paper was actually covering all the way to the bottom, which is how I was able to line up the stripes easily. The chipboard letters are Monica font also from Zsiage, covered in brown ink and a matte finish spray. I spent forever going through all my ribbons to find something that seemed "right" to me and came up empty handed. Most because they were just too busy or had a horizotal stripe that competed with the paper already being used. Then I came across a box I had of TWISTEL...remember that? I think I have every color ever made. When I unwraped it all, the variegation was just perfect with the different shades of brown in the Zsiage papers - I was so excited! Just for good measure I added a curling tag from Making Memories that says "create".
Know what else I have stored in that box? Every color ever made of Magic Mesh! Wow - I'd forgotten how fun this was to work with...pretty much assume you'll see something with Magic Mesh on it here on my blog soon!
Off to my pumpkin pie!
5 days ago
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