Just wanted to share with you that my baby bunnies seem to be doing just fine on their own! I was worried about whether they were old enough to eat on their own (since I know zero about bunny habits, lol) and I am happy to report that they most definitely ARE! I sat and watched one of them yesterday and he was a little eating MACHINE! I have two little areas behind my enormous front bushes that Michael was supposed to clear all the weeds out of so we could plant some flowers. He got one side done the other day but got bored with it so didn't do the other side. Well, my little bunny friend took care of a good chunk of it just in the twenty minutes I sat and watched! I think he ate his weight in dandelions and other weeds so I have no fear those babies are eating just fine. They have moved in under that bush and seem to have gained an older (seems about two or three times their size but definitely still just born this spring) friend who is living there too. Still no sign of mama, but I feel confident I don't need to interfere and can just watch them grow up from a distance. With camera in hand, of course!
1 day ago
Glad the bunnies are doing ok! They are so cute. We had a few in our yard last year. My only complaint was when the ate some perennials and then my veggie garden. One was bold enough to eat an entire jalepeno!
They are too cute! Glad they are doing well!
such cute bunnies! glad they're doing well.
that is just tooo cute!
Oh my goodness, that is the cutest photo ever!!
I am so glad to hear that the babies are all doing good.
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